What is a VPN? What Does It Do?

What is a VPN? What Does It Do?

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  • 2020-02-19 06:43:01

If you think you are not being tracked online, you are wrong. Your internet service provider knows the websites you visit, your visit times and what device you are using! Your ISP may not be personally interested in your online activities, but your ISP may be recording your data and selling it to advertising companies.

A VPN can protect you from online tracking and prevent your online behavior from being analyzed by a company you never knew about.

VPN programs are known for masking the IP address, but you can also use VPN programs with Turkey IP addresses. If the VPN program has a server in Turkey and you connect to the internet through that server, your internet service provider will only see that you are using a VPN and cannot see your activities.


What is a VPN?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a secure connection created by tunneling protocols between your computer and another device. Normally, when you connect to the internet, you first connect to your internet service provider's servers, while with a VPN, you first connect to the VPN server. The VPN server routes your online traffic.

The VPN server actes as an intermediary between the internet and your computer and prevents your internet service provider from following the websites you visit. Because you connect to the Internet through a different location, any website you visit doesn't know your actual location another.


What Does a VPN Do?

  1. -VPN Usage on a Public Wi-Fi Network

Even when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network with encrypted protection, the VPN will protect you from potential cyber threats. On Wi-Fi networks offered in open spaces or closed public areas such as airports, cyber attackers can easily access your data over the network.

By using a VPN, you can secure the Wi-Fi network you connect to and prevent the network provider or a cyber attacker on the network from spying on your data.


  1. -Vpn Usage When Traveling

When you travel abroad, you can access services that are not available in that country with a VPN. For example, when you go abroad, even your Netflix account will show you content from the country you're going to, but you might prefer to see content in your home country. With a VPN, you can continue to watch Netflix Turkey content by connecting to the internet from Turkey.

In Saudi Arabia, China, Iran and North Korea, there is a serious barrier to access to the internet. In Saudi Arabia, social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, political media, torrent sites are blocked from access. When it comes to access barriers, China still comes to mind the most. In China, Google is disabled from genius access.

In much of Europe, torrent websites are blocked from access. It is limited to access to political media in Russia and Moldova.

While living in the information age, your access to information may be blocked. You can use a VPN to avoid this.

You can also try to get your plane ticket cheaper by changing your location with a VPN before you travel.


  1. -Using a VPN for Security on the Internet

Want to have a secure communication with the websites you visit? You can use a VPN in your browser. When you use a VPN in your browser, websites don't know your actual physical location, and you share your data with the website in an encrypted way, regardless of the protocol the website uses.


What should you pay attention to when using a VPN?

With VPN programs, you can get privacy and security online, but with free VPN programs, this may not be possible.

Think again before downloading free VPN programs to your device. The word "product is a user when it comes to free product" is a cliché, but that doesn't mean it's not real. By using free programs, you may be inglying your data to third parties of your own free will.


You get anonymity when using a VPN, but if you want to increase your privacy in addition to a VPN, you can also use a Tor browser, according to the advice of ExpressVPN, one of the VPN companies. Tor browser routes your traffic through different devices, making it impossible to track your trail.


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